griswold girls basketball

Lady Wolverines Come Alive in Second Half, Lose to Clippers

The Griswold Wolverines girls’ basketball team took on the Putnam Clippers on Thursday night. Griswold was held scoreless in the first quarter. The Clippers led by thirteen points to begin the second quarter. Griswold got on the scoreboard in the second quarter when Emma Dembinski hit a two-point jumper. Sam Falco hit a three- pointer

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Lady Wolverine Have Best Game of Year, Snap 6 Game Losing Streak

The Griswold Wolverines took on Windham Tech Thursday night, following a loss the night before to Tourtellotte. Griswold scored the first point of the game when Emma Dembinski made a free throw.  During the first quarter, the Wolverines scored six points due to successful free throws by Dembinski, Dani Krapf, and Hannah Clark, plus a

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Lady Wolverines Come Up Short, Lose to Tourtellotte

The Griswold Wolverines girls’ basketball team were on the road taking on Tourtellotte Wednesday night. The Wolverines and the Tigers tied the score at only two points after one quarter. The teams went into half-time with Griswold trailing 13-9. Beth Ladd was a big contributor on defense for Griswold, pulling down 11 rebounds. The Wolverines

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