Griswold Schools Move to Full Remote Learning After 3 Positive Cases Hit GPS

Griswold Public Schools is going to a full remote learning model once again effective immediately until October 23rd. The message came out to the staff and then parents at the end of the school day on October 13, 2020.

According to a letter sent by Superintendent of Griswold Public Schools, Sean McKenna, he received confirmation of 3 members of the school community had tested positive for Covid-19, and all are home in self isolation for 14 days. They have also been provided with specific instructions to follow before returning to school. McKenna also says that the last days that these individuals were in school buildings was on Friday October 2, 2020 and Thursday October, 8, 2020.

Full remote learning starts once again on Wednesday, October 14, 2020, and will remain on full remote learning through Friday, October, 23, 2020. Mckenna says they hope to resume the hybrid model once again on October, 26, 2020.
In addition to school changing their learning model, the fall sports schedule will follow the same parameters. All fall sports activities are now cancelled until October, 27, 2020. There will be no competitions or practices scheduled during this time.

Grab & Go Meals will continue to run at Griswold Middle School on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, from
7:45 am – 12 noon.

For additional information on COVID-19 symptoms, please see:

Staff and students exhibiting any of the above symptoms, or feeling ill, should remain home and call their
medical provider to report their symptoms and ask about testing prior to seeking in-person care at a clinic,
physician’s office, or hospital. Know that there are a number of local COVID-19 testing sites for your

For more information on what to do if you or a family member has possible symptoms, a diagnosis, or exposure
to COVID-19, please see Addendum 5: Interim Guidance for Responding to COVID-19 Scenarios in
Connecticut School Districts, available here:


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